
Intro to Raspberry Pi Pico and RP2040 - MicroPython Part 2: I2C Sensor | DigiKey

Previously, we saw how to run a simple MicroPython program on the Raspberry Pi Pico using Thonny. We printed “Hello, World!” to the console and blinked an LED. In this tutorial, we will use the I2C module to read from a Bosch BME280 temperature, pressure, and humidity sensor.

3/31/2021 6:32:29 PM

Part List

RASPBERRY PI PICO RP2040SC0915RASPBERRY PI PICO RP20401893 - 立即发货$32.84查看详情
SENSOR HUM/PRESS I2C/SPI BME2802652SENSOR HUM/PRESS I2C/SPI BME2801273 - 立即发货$122.73查看详情