Save, Open and Delete Projects

The first button group in the toolbar is for Scheme-it project management.


The "Save" button will update (save) your current project. It behaves like 'Save As' button if the project is newly created or is not yours.

Save As

The "Save As" -> "A new Project" button will save current project as a new one. This feature is useful if you want to modify an existing project and save it under a new name.

The "Save As" -> "A new Revision" button will create a revision of your currently opened project.


"New" -> "Blank Project" button creates a new project. If you have an existing project open with unsaved changes, Scheme-it will prompt you to save your changes before creating a new project.

"New" -> "Design Starter" lets you browse projects from Design Starters - a collection of designs that might give you a running start for your next one.


The "Open" button lists project in Design Starters. If you are logged in, your projects will be listed there as well, in a new dialog tab. Project list is paginated, with sorting and filtering capabilities.


The "Notes" button opens an editor that manages Summary and Description of the current project.

You might need a Digi-Key account

Opening a shared or pubic project does not require you to register or log in.

If you want to save other's project or to make your own, a Digi-Key account is required. The registration is free, you can do it in either way: