Symbol Editor

Build your symbols with Symbol Editor. This help will get you started quickly.

Basic shapes


To draw a line:

  1. Click the Line icon
  2. Click where you want the line to start
  3. Click where you want the line to end
Draw a line

Rectangle (rect)

To draw a rectangle:

  1. Click the Rectangle icon
  2. Click where a vertex of the rectangle should be
  3. Click where the opposite of the rectangle should be
Draw a rectangle


To draw a polyline (connected line segments, closeness not guaranteed):

  1. Click the Polyline icon
  2. Click where the first point of the polyline should be
  3. Click the subsequent points of the polyline
  4. Double click to finish the polyline

To undo adding a point, right click. This is doable if the polyline is not finished.

Draw a polyline


To draw a polygon (connected line segments, closeness guaranteed):

  1. Click the Polygon icon
  2. Click where the first point of the polygon should be
  3. Click the subsequent points of the polygon
  4. Double click to finish the polygon, the editor will "close" the polygon if it's not yet closed.

To undo adding a point, right click. This is doable if the polygon is not finished.

Draw a polygon
Draw a polygon


To draw a circle:

  1. Click the Circle icon
  2. Click where the top-left point of the square containing the circle should be
  3. Click where the bottom-right point of the square containing the circle should be
Draw a circle


To draw an ellipse:

  1. Click the Ellipse icon
  2. Click where the top-left point of the rectangle containing the ellipse should be
  3. Click where the bottom-right point of the rectangle containing the ellipse should be
Draw an ellipse


An arc is a portion of a circle containing 3 non-linear points.

To draw an arc:

  1. Click the Arc icon
  2. Click where the start point of the arc should be
  3. Click where the end point of the arc should be
  4. Click where the via point of the arc should be
Draw an arc


Scheme-it uses quadratic Bézier curve, i.e. 3 points are required.

To draw a curve:

  1. Click curve icon
  2. Click where the start point should be
  3. Click where the end point should be
  4. Click where the "control" point should be
Draw a curve


You can extend Line, Arc, and Polyline to make Arrows.

  1. Click the black cursor icon to switch to Select mode
  2. Select the Line or Arc or Polyline you want to make the arrow
  3. In the right sidebar, click Style tab
  4. Select "Arrow" in "End line" dropdown
Make an arrow


To add text:

  1. Click the "T" icon
  2. Click where you want to place the text.
  3. Press Esc if you don't want to add more text boxes

To edit text:

  1. Switch to Select mode by clicking the black cursor icon (pressing Esc key also works)
  2. Double click the text box
  3. Make changes to the text box
  4. To finish editing, click somewhere in the canvas but not the current text box
Insert text
Insert text
Insert text


To insert an image:

  1. Click the Image icon
  2. Either browse the image file on your computer or drop the image to the drop zone
  3. Click Insert
Insert image
Insert image
Insert image


Pins can only placed where coordinates are multiple of 10. For example: (50, 70) is a valid position to place a pin, whereas (51, 70) is not a valid position because its x-coordinate (51) is not a multiple of 10.

To place a pin:

  1. Click on the pin direction (none - connection point, left, right, up, down)
  2. Click where you want to place the pin.

When placed on an object, Symbol Editor will try to bind the pin to that object.

Add pin
Add pin
Add pin
Add pin
Add pin

Pin-prefilled rectangle

To quickly build a rectangle with pins on it:

  1. Click one of the icons in "Symbols"
  2. Draw the symbol as if you are drawing a Rectangle
Pin-prefilled rectangle

Pin Manager

In Pin Manager, pins are populated in tabular form. Change a pin and observe immediate change in the canvas.

Pin manager 1
Pin manager 2


Elements of a symbol should stay within a rectangle of size 4110x2830 pixels.


The grid make positioning easier. The grid consists of 10x10 squares.

Showing or hiding the grid is optional.

Snap to grid will adjust the receiver of the click to the nearest vertex of the grid squares.



Symbol Editor supports zoom levels from 20% to 400% via a specified scale.

Zoom to fit will try to choose a zoom level so that every element of the symbol is visible for that viewport.

Zoom controls

Moving around

You can move around the canvas using one of the following methods:

  • Interact with the scrollbar
  • Hold the right mouse button on an empty space of the canvas, then move the mouse
  • Scroll the middle mouse button, or Shift + scroll the middle mouse button


Selecting an object

To select objects, switch to Select mode (keyboard shortcut: Esc), then click the desired object.

Select mode
Selecting a pin

To select a pin, you might need to click twice (but not double-click). The first click is to select the parent object, the second click actually selects the pin.

Select pin
Select pin
Select pin

Selecting multiple objects

Select multiple objects by hold Ctrl while clicking desired objects.

Multiple select with Ctrl
Multiple select with Ctrl

Clicking-and-dragging also selects multiple objects.

Multiple select with mouse

Selecting overlapped objects

To select an object that is overlapped (covered) by others, right click where the object is, click Select.

Select overlapped 1

Hover over menu items to highlight the each object. If your desired object is highlight, click that menu item.

Select overlapped 2
Select overlapped 3
Select overlapped 4


Basic editing

After an object is selected, its attributes are available in the right sidebar for editing.

Arrange tab

Arrange tab

Style tab

Style tab


To move the selected object, drag it to the new position. Or press the arrow keys: up, down, left, right.

Move object
Move object
Move object


To resize the selected object, drag its resize handlers.

Resize object
Resize object
Resize object

Clipboard actions

Selected object(s) can be cut/copied/pasted. Undoing and Redoing are also supported.

Clipboard actions

Managing your symbols

Save your symbols with Save or Save As depending on your need.

Buttons to manage symbols in the toolbar

Find your symbols in My Symbols dialog.


You can sort symbols by name or by update date.


Click a symbol in the list to preview.

My Symbols dialog

To delete a symbol:

  1. Click Open button in the main toolbar
  2. Find the symbol you want to delete
  3. Hover over the symbol name
  4. Click the Trash icon
  5. Type "DELETE" (in capital, no double quotes) in the text input
  6. Click Delete button
Deleting symbol 1-4
Deleting symbol 5
Deleting symbol 6

Using your symbols

Your symbols will be available to be placed in the schematic under User Library --> My Custom Symbols.

User Library

Click-to-place or drag-to-place the symbol to the schematic as usual.

Placing symbol